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The Breen Confederacy is the official government of the Breen species. In late 2375, the Breen Confederacy entered the Dominion War, allowing itself to be annexed by the Dominion as the Cardassian Union had been two years prior. According to the terms of the annexation, the Breen Confederacy received several planets from the Cardassian Union as compensation for joining the war. The Breen would also be given control of the Romulan Star Empire in the post-war galaxy. The Founders also promised the Breen control of Earth, though Weyoun was also given this assurance. The union was negotiated between the Female Changeling and Thot Gor, a prominent official in the Confederacy.
The Confederacy proved very influential in its first weeks of fighting, thanks to the previously unknown energy dampening weapon, in addition to their conventional forces. The weapon proved decisive in the Second Battle of Chin'toka, allowing the Dominion to retake the system after inflicting huge losses on the Allies. This, of course, served as proverbial "salt in the wound", as it followed a surprise attack on Earth. Fortunately, the Allies were able to capture an example of the Breen weapon, allowing them to develop countermeasures. The Breen continued to fight with the Dominion until the end, demonstrating a willingness to die for the cause that matched that of the Jem'Hadar. In some respects this actually worked to the benefit of the Allies - the Dominion's increasing reliance on the Breen forces made the Cardassians feel more and more isolated and abandoned and was a contributory factor in their eventual split from the Dominion. Ultimately, the Dominion was defeated at the Battle of Cardassia.
The Breen issue disruptor-style sidearms as standard for military personnel.
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